
Social Media Management for Dentists & Orthodontists in Sydney

Social Media for Dentists & Orthodontists in Sydney

Social Media Management for Dentists & Orthodontists in Sydney

A smile may sound and appear as something simple but it is something that is very valuable and should be treasured. This is because it allows one to express themselves especially when they are in a good and happy mood. In order to have that coveted beautiful smile, having healthy teeth is inevitable as the two go hand in hand. Apart from regular brushing and flossing of teeth, a good diet also plays a huge part in ensuring Apart from regular brushing and flossing of teeth, eating a good diet also plays a huge part in ensuring that teeth remain healthy and strong. Therefore we should strive to eat as healthy as possible so that we may end up having the healthiest teeth possible at any age.

The above is typically the sort of squeaky-clean message that Sydney dentists and orthodontists like to get out there on social media. Nothing wrong with it – but it’s essentially what we call a background foundational content mountain. It’s never to be foregrounded because there’s other much stronger social media opportunities which are priority revenue actions.

Whether on Instagram or Facebook, social media management for dentists & orthodontists not just in Sydney, but in Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Canberra, or Cairns, should NEVER be set and forget. Yes daily set and forget posts should happen, and they should always be of world-class standard, but 20% of the posts should be revenue generating.

Social media influencers are now disrupting the dental power elite with their somewhat shonky enticements to DIY Instagram, as Melbourne’s The Age recently reported – and so dentists and orthodontists HAVE to be a hell of a lot smarter. Sure enough, in scrimping on vital things such as SEO and social media, most Australian dentists are WAY off the mark – they’re so far behind, it’s laughable.

If you’re a Dentist or Orthodontist who wants to hurry up and catch up on your digital marketing, send us an email and we’ll be in touch within a few hours at the latest.

There are certain foods that have proven to be very beneficial to teeth. Just like bones, the main elements that make up the teeth are calcium and phosphorous. Therefore, foods that are rich in these two really help in having the healthiest teeth possible at any age. Some of the foods that are rich in calcium include; milk and other dairy products such as yogurt and cheese, dark green leafy vegetables such as kale and spinach, soy drinks, almonds and salmon. Phosphorous on the other hand is found mainly in proteins such as; all types of nuts, fish, eggs, beans and meat.

Tips on how to have that beautiful smile you have always wanted

When it comes to oral hygiene, it is not only the teeth that require special care and attention, but also the gums. The gums hold the teeth steadily in place and when they are not in tip top condition, the teeth also suffer. That is why consuming foods that promote gum health is equally important. Foods that are rich in vitamin C are good for gums as they prevent them from bleeding, a condition known as scurvy. Some of the vitamin C containing foods are; citrus fruits especially oranges, tomatoes, spinach and broccoli.

Another way of ensuring good dieting is by avoiding or reducing the level of snacking, especially on sugary treats like candy and biscuits. Over indulging in such treats leads to cavities which can progress and become tooth decay. If you really need to snack, go for healthier options such as popcorn.

There is yet another group of foods that may contribute to you having the healthiest teeth possible at any age. Crunchy foods such as carrots and apples may need quite some effort in chewing them but it is worth it. This is because in the process of chewing, the teeth and the narrow spaces between them get cleaned as food particles and bacteria are eliminated from the mouth and gums.

Saliva contains antibacterial properties, which technically means that the more the saliva production there is, the less the harmful bacteria present in the mouth. There are some foods that promote saliva production and they include apples and sugarless gum. Chewing on these stimulates the salivary glands to produce more saliva which in turn cleans the mouth and destroys harmful bacteria.

Do Not Blame Social Media


People worry all the time about being happy. It didn’t just happen today, this generation. So do not blame social media. That pervasive feeling have been nagging at us a longer time than we care to admit. Instead of working towards it, we reflect, we question and rationalise. And we compensate. Should it be any different for our children? It is not just the kids, but most adults are also hooked on social media. They can’t put their phones down. They use them for work meetings, for buying things, for keeping in touch with their old school buddies. If you, who have been born of a different generation are using these tools for your own day to day, what do you suggest children who are born of this time, use?  

The problem was always there. It’s not pretty. And before social media we didn’t want to address it. So, it stayed hidden. Do not blame social media for pointing it out. Social media platforms exposes and sometimes zeroes on user personality. The substance of a person you would usually not have a clue to, can now be hinted at by their social media accounts. Narcissism, love of cats, political inclinations; it’s right there.

Social media has been blamed for everything including mental health issues. A disparity of income can affect available alternatives. Sports (equipment), community sponsored drama, school music recitals. When these children are all tuckered out from sports, or thinking and creating costumes and props for plays, there is less time worrying about what they are missing out on. They sleep, rest, they collaborate, they communicate with their peers. They get to worry about different things and not just how many likes their new profile picture have.


Roosevelt said ‘Comparison is the thief of joy.’ Well, sure. That is when you are looking from a place of where we (in our opinion) fall short of. But you can’t be less at everything. The body image dissatisfaction is a tired argument, it has been plaguing women since the 80’s and magazine subscription was a thing.  Like most of the problems being blamed on social media, this is an old one. It is hardly fair to put the blame on a newcomer just because it is convenient. This is not to say that the children should be given unlimited access to social media. It does mean that they should be given a chance to explore it. The same way we explored newspapers for news, classifieds, garage sales and even personal ads.

This is their world and their time. What we must do is try to help them along using tools we already know (responsible posting/sharing, security measures) to hone theirs. Guide them in the safe and proper use of social media.

Social Media As A New Power


It is very rare that you would not see people on their smart phones when one goes out. They would usually be on their many social media accounts. Facebook, Instagram, and the list goes on. They could not put their phones down. Not when eating, not even while in a conversation. It is the constant fear of missing out (FOMO) that has put social media as a new power.

It is both good and bad, being in these platforms. There is an information overload, that is neither bad or good in its own. What we do with it is what makes it either. Social media opens more avenues for friendship but it does so for bullying, too. These networks are invaluable to any marketing company. For most companies social media marketing is as important if not far more important, than any other marketing forums. This is also true to any group or affiliation a student belongs to. They can reach more people, like-minded or otherwise. There are more opportunities for interaction and learning through social media

Social-Media-As-A-New-Power4Through online conversations, one could learn first hand what other countries are like from new friends that they make. Video conversations become animated and can show a person around a location or share experiences that one might not want to actually try. Communicating with peers and teachers, also groups of same interests becomes instant for sharing information, rectifying mistakes and just touching base.

Using social media as a new power is evident in its ability to inform and influence a much broader audience, of different generations, to agree or think over facts, realities and opinions effectively and all at once. The use of instructional videos on these platforms can teach and enhance skills on their own. The creative pieces people make, whether tangible or not, sometimes get discovered or highlighted through exposure on these sites.

Immediate news of things happening elsewhere. Earthquakes, floods, good or bad, people can just go live and show whoever is interested in what is currently happening. 

Like anything new, some people are opposed to things changing. Preferring for how things were before. But if that thinking succeeded at all before, we never would have cars or airplanes.

Virtual Kids Education Must Be Balanced With Real Life

After school, what’s your kids’ go-to? Well, in the modern technologically driven world, you don’t have to guess as it is a definite answer; online. From social media to online games, modern families are glued to their addictive screens, living in a virtual world that, if not well addressed, can be quite toxic. As you strive to educate your kids, you need a balance between virtual and real-life, equipping them with the necessary skills to effectively handle various activities for a successful life.

The holidays, especially, can be a little tricky as you can hardly get your kids off the screen while struggling to juggle between your tight schedules and trying to lead them off the screens and trying something else, especially outdoor activities. You don’t, however, have to give in, as you can utilize the readily available services for educational activities during school holidays and strike a balance between virtual and real-life learning.

While you could be struggling to tip your kids’ interest in favor of outdoor activities, the organized programs are tailored to not only keep them off the screens but also hooked to the activities that expose them to real-life learning. From socializing with other kids to exploring various activities that spark their curiosity, entertainment such as music, among other games, your kids won’t only get out of their screen’s comfort zone but also acquire valuable real-life skills. You could, however, be wondering why virtual kids’ education must be balanced with real-life; after all, technology seems to be taking over every aspect of modern life. There are a lot of benefits of maintaining the balance, but the two top reasons are;

Health concerns

A little physical exercise a day goes a long way in enhancing your kids’ health. Unlike sitting on the couch all day, glued to that blue light, they could benefit a lot by spending a few hours exploring various activities, stretching their muscles, and discovering what they can do with their developing bodies. This helps their bodies to remain active, develop strong and healthy bones, and keep concerns such as heart conditions at bay.

Interpersonal skills development

A lot of today’s relationships are ignited online and end online. This, however, doesn’t allow your kids to develop practical interpersonal and communication skills as they rely on their devices to relate with others. From curving to unhealthy social media competition, to making up a virtual reality that doesn’t necessarily fall in line with their real-life stand, there is a lot that needs to be addressed to shape the future of your kids in real life. With the programs, however, they get a chance to interact face to face with other kids while benefiting from guidance from experienced professionals. The skills are especially necessary as they will eventually have to be independent, develop long-lasting relationships, and interact with others on a personal and more intimate level as they grow.

You don’t want your kids to develop dependency syndrome, neither do you want them to develop health complications as they grow. While busy schedules might not leave enough room to encourage time off from the screens, you can take advantage of professional services and let your kids realize real-life educational activities during school holidays.

The Good, The Bad and The Viral


A new study recently claims social media is actually good for your health. This is contrary to previous studies on the same subject matter. These other studies and research were saying too much time spent on social media platforms can be detrimental not just to physical health but also mental health. It is likened to the impossible beauty standards magazines and the media have always espoused. These beauty standards is a constant reminder that ordinary people would never measure up. And because we can’t the harder we try and be miserable in the process. These platforms already have too many pictures and videos that not even a single hair is out of place except on those programs where they do this intentionally.

This new study argues that not all factors were considered. More noteworthy effects of social media were not considered. New technology and point of view from the young users of this media. This argues that there is more available connections. That social media is an avenue toward meaningful social changes all over as a global effect. A wider reach for worthy causes and to share information, ideas and point of views. Too bad it can also be addicting.

Fear of missing out or FoMO is one of the biggest arguments for developing anxieties of people with a social media account. Quite like knowing there’s a party going on where your friends are at now and you’re not invited to. These feelings arouse insecurity and jealousy that we normally wouldn’t encounter on a daily, recurring basis. Because we are a species of emotion, what we see on these platforms will invoke a reaction, and enough of it everyday can alter our way of thinking. 


Used to be that when you talk of something viral you meant sickness. Now it means campaigns or strategy in spreading information, product or cat videos as fast as one can.  Marketers, entrepreneurs and companies take advantage of this fear or missing out and sneak these things in our news feeds, on our most watched videos and redirects. So social media is like in real life. There’s good things, bad stuff and horrendous commercials in between!

Hiding Behind Social Media


A digital life is not supposed to take over your real life. And yet we almost always have our phones in our faces. 

The world of social media is fast becoming the norm. People are living their best lives. Capturing it and broadcasting it on social media as a deeply recorded documentation of their perfect lives. Instead of creating memories, they are creating a story. A story built on lies hiding behind social media.

Instagram, Facebook, twitter. Almost all these platforms with their image sharing capabilities encourage daily postings, one user one-upping the other. There seldom is a place or a meal they would look like without arranging it and cropping it in their mind for the perfect instagram shot.  

It used to be that social media was a way to get connected. A way to form bonds and keeping touch with others despite our busy lives. Now it looks like we are even busier with not a life to show for it. It has become a race for the most likes, the most retweets, the most heart.  

But more threatening than these is the psychological impact it leaves our youth. That they need to be a certain way in order to be liked. That likes and popularity equals happiness. Not only is their psychological health in danger but also their physical health. There has been a number of reports of bad effects for short term and long term use like seizures, cybersickness, anxiety and dependency. They would hardly be on these gadgets a long time if not for their social media accounts.


More alarming still are those trolls and cyberbullies and so-called keyboard warriors. They hide behind their screen names targeting anything and everything. They utilise the power of anonymity and claim it all for their right to free expression. Trolls want attention and end goal is annoyance, that is why they are on the internet. Cyberbullies on the other hand, just want to cause deliberate hurt. They frequent social media platforms because their targets are on these platforms. It is best that you know what to do when plagued by these no-good entities.

These social media unpleasantries are now part and parcel of our technology-based world. It is a little interesting to see what good it will be to our society. But we should always be vigilant of the bad that could come of it, too.

Social Media Influence

social media strategy agency sydney melbourne brisbane perth adelaide

You can’t escape social media nowadays. More so if you have a smartphone. And who doesn’t? The average person has in some shape or form have encountered it. Maybe even signed up for any or all the social media platforms. It isn’t any mystery then to find that social media influence is becoming a real thing in real life.

Brands and individuals have their own social media accounts specifically because they recognise this influence. This is to increase their brand’s visibility and create more loyal customers. It also helps in connecting and communicating with potential clients and business partners. For big, known brands garnering followers and likes could be made in a day. For the small businesses, they reach this when they use their social media strategically over time. More than content, more than memes, social media can inspire and influence people.

One that is slowly gaining momentum is the zero waste – going green movement. More people are posting restaurants and shops that allow their collapsible cups. This is instant marketing for the shop and the cup. And promoting a worthy cause that of going green and zero waste. There are also places that are now selling things in bulk. They encourage you to bring your own containers because they are package free shops. Banning the plastic straw. This I credit to social media. And the fast food giants heard, obeyed or have jumped on the bandwagon.

Social media is also instrumental in giving brands a conscience. Or at least take notice and do something. In an effort to clean up their acts, some people are posting pictures of brands trash (shampoo, conditioners). These single use individualised packaging that are truly becoming an issue. One that some groups are making the manufacturing companies take responsibility for.

This is a good example of a huge undertaking that everyone is being asked to be aware of and participate through social media. A global concern that needs to not just be addressed but needs immediate action. For our own sake.

3 Ways Social Media Is A Cosmetic Dentist’s Best Friend

Social media management for dentists

The use of social media in numerous ways is rapidly growing. And most people are now turning to social media platforms to reach out to their dental practitioners. One can, however, browse the internet to get answers concerning their general health. This connotes that it is now possible to all oral health-related issues solved online.

And for sure, social media is a cosmetics best friend since they can relate, connect and communicate to their clients effectively. There are ways in which social media help dentist achieve a lot in their dental health services. You can easily share many minor defects that dental bonding helps with to help your patients learn more about it. Did you know that 80 % of people around the world turn to online resources for their health concerns? Now you do. Well, here are ways social media is helping dentists.

Looking for Social Media Management for Dentists & Orthodontists in Sydney? Click Here to have Facebook or Instagram Advertising & Content Development for your dental clinic, services or products.

Increased credibility

It is right to say that a lot of people nowadays are making use of recommendations provided by their friends or those found online whenever they are seeking for unique services. And the truth is that whenever someone is looking for dental services, they will search for them online and find the information they need even before deciding to conduct any of them.

The websites or social media platforms of the dentists will have reviews that anyone can use to verify the authenticity of the dental doctor and that improve the credibility of the dentist. Those without an online presence, it would be challenging to prove their credibility; thus, new clients may end up not getting in touch with them. Photos and videos of past dental tasks can help increase your credibility.

Improved visibility

Your businesses may not purport to be visible without an online presence. In this digital era, traditional marketing approaches may not be as effective as they used to be back then. The world of marketing is changing rapidly with innovative ideas being put into implementation every day. As a dentist, you should leverage the benefits of the internet to make sure you are visible across numerous platforms existing online if not all.

For example; you can have a few pages to share your products and services to potential customers. The people will also interact with you through queries and clarifications, and you can even provide directions to your place. You see, your services will be merely a mouse click away!

Nurture brand loyalty

It is a proven strategy to make use of social media to build customer loyalty. See, it would be better to have all questions concerning your services and perhaps your products answered via a social media platform than having people visit your offices to ask the same queries. If you answer their questions in good time and they get satisfied with your feedback, your loyalty gains momentum. Yes, they will trust your products and services more than anyone else. Cosmetic Dentists’ social media management in Sydney Melbourne and Brisbane get the best results with Facebook advertising & Instagram content. Marketing cosmetic dentists via social media to audiences in Sydney, Perth, Melbourne & Brisbane should match with a strong SEO campaign as well as Adwords and email marketing.


Social media should be like a funnel for your business. With it, you can deliver a lot that could not be achieved without social media platforms. So, if you are not yet into it, consider making a bold step of incorporating social media is reaching many people. Eventually, you will increase credibility, improve your visibility, and finally nurture your brand loyalty.

Dangers of the Digital Age


An unspoken conflict exists between teens/preteens and adults. About having, using and managing smartphones and gadgets. Smartphone use is prevalent in young people’s lives. Adults being adults, who can sometimes be worrywarts, tend to search everything wrong with the new generation and their daily weapon of choice, the smartphone. They go about their business unaware of the dangers of the digital age.

Because youngsters have nothing to compare their lives without smartphones and all these social media platforms, most of them see nothing wrong with social media or the technology that they are now experiencing. To them it is a speedy way to connect, communicate and share. A novel way to express themselves. It is life as they know it.

Cyber bullying – the anonymity behind a keypad, those whispers, unflattering photos and threatening messages that will incite fear and embarrassment to our children. Without guidance and a strong support system, they will never tell and never be open enough to stand up to it.

Cyber flashing – as if bullying was not enough, this is another bad side of technology. The immediate and oftentimes anonymous unsolicited images can be sent through bluetooth or airdrop. Or the falsehood of befriending on apps using a different picture as profile, and receiving a call from this cyber flasher. The anonymity makes it even scarier for the victim. It could be enough to trigger anxiety issues and a general feeling of dread.

There has never been a need for parental guidance in the use of smartphones because until recently there has not been reports of this kind. Taking away smartphones may not be the right answer. Guidance and preparation, not to mention seeking out new solutions, have to be foremost in facing these problems of our digital lives. Perhaps technology can also shed some light in figuring out how to limit this predicament.

For now what we can control is how we prepare and mold our children. Being involved in their daily life and opening their eyes to the risks and potential harm of ‘stranger danger’ of both online and in real life situations.

Selling direct on Instagram


There’s a new checkout beta program on Instagram in the US. This program will let users tag items which they could then sell directly to their followers and other people while viewing their posts and Stories.

Businesses and brands and now even individuals can use product tagging. Instagrammers welcome this move as it could prevent oft-repeated questions of what and where some featured products are available. Followers can click on the tagged product for pertinent information. Thus, businesses products through influencers and individuals are now selling direct on Instagram.

This development has been made public by Facebook and Instagram as part of a transactional swing of the platforms. Instagram creators and a lot of daily users, including influencers are excited at the prospect and functionality of this program.

But commissions for the products are not yet offered for creators but it is something that might be available in the future.

A spokesperson said, “People are already shopping from creators by asking product questions in comments and Direct, with the ability to tag products, creators can provide the information their followers are looking for and get back to expressing themselves and sharing what’s on their mind, which will make their followers happy too.”

Linking products on Instagram :

This feature is currently available to approved businesses in these markets.

Before you begin

  • Your account must be approved for shopping on Instagram to feature products in posts and stories.
  • Make sure you have the latest version of the Instagram app.
  • You should already have completed set up for shopping on Instagram before you can enable it from your Instagram App.

Enable Business Settings for Shopping on Instagram

To enable the ability to feature products from the Instagram App:

  1. Go to your profile and tap
  2. Tap Settings
  3. Tap Business.
  4. Tap Shopping. Note: The option to tap Shopping is only available to accounts that have been approved for shopping on Instagram.
  5. Tap Continue
  6. Select a product catalog to connect to your business profile.
  7. Tap Done.

If you don’t see Shopping, your account is probably still under review or it hasn’t been approved for shopping on Instagram. The review process can take up to a few days, but sometimes we may need to review the account in more detail, which can take longer.

How to Post Instagram Photos Directly to Facebook

Instagram is the hot app on the block these days. It captures the amazing images we are all able to take with our smart phones these days. Instagram can, also, be a powerful marketing tool for your business or vocation. So, how do you post Instagram photos directly to Facebook? You begin by launching the Instagram app from the home screen of your phone. On Android phones open your profile and tap on the three-dot menu icon. On IPhones from Profile tap on settings in the top right corner. Then,select linked accounts>Facebook>Share To. As a Facebook page manager, you can select your preferred page to default any future Instagram sharing on Facebook to that particular page.

Instagram Shares Improve Your Facebook Page

Instagram is owned by Facebook, which means it is very happy to share and play ball with Facebook. This platform has been kicking more goals in terms of audience engagement than Facebook has been for some time. Studies have shown that Instagram has the highest rate of engagement out of all the social networks. Instagram photos are of a higher quality, generally, than images are on Facebook, so, you will be boosting the quality factor there. Instagram has a more spontaneous reputation, which means that your posts will be fresher and viewed as more genuine by cross posting.

The Immediacy of Instagram Shines Through

 The immediacy of Instagram helps contribute more content to your Facebook page, which can feel a bit like your sex life in the autumn years. Keeping the flow of content happening on your social media accounts is vital to maintaining their effectiveness. Establishing a social media page on a platform is akin to having a pet – you need to feed it every day. A social media guru friend of mine, said of Instagram, “it focuses your mind on producing content and trains you in visually expressing your business online.” The internet is primarily a visual medium, a picture tells a thousand stories kind of thing.

 It’s All About the Photo Stupid

 It is important to remember that Instagram’s roots are in mobile phone photography. It’s all about the photo stupid! This cool social media networking app is made for sharing photos and videos. The captions are pretty important too. Applying filters to your Instagram posts is, now, an essential part of the whole Instagram schtick.There are some 23 filters available to choose from via the edit option at the bottom of the photo editor.

 Good luck with posting your Instagram photos directly to Facebook and happy Instagramming.